






北加州畫畫老師Ms. Chuang,https://www.facebook.com/WeiTingChuangArt

南加州OneHouse Art Ms. Rachel Rong

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

Thank you for your participation for our Faith and Outreach Art Contest 2022! 

Here are the contest results. We will contact you soon for the award and the certificates. 

Please continue to follow us for more articles and activities in the future! :)

Group A/ A組得獎名單

1st Place Jaylen Wen- Here I come

2nd Place Lexuan Tseng - 生命串連耶穌的愛

3rd Place Kaelyn Ding - Go out to help others! 

Honorable Mention Isaac Zhao - Rain

Honorable Mention Ablgail Tang - Let's help everyone! 

Honorable Mention Evelyn Chen - The small world

Honorable Mention Tracy Shang - Love

Honorable Mention Elison Lin - Share our love

Honorable Mention Olina Li - Can I help you?

Best Popularity Award Lexuan Tseng - 生命串連耶穌的愛

Group B/B組得獎名單

1st Place Ruoyi Song - Five cakes and Two fish

2nd Place Miracle Ho - God will take care of you 主必看顧你

3rd Place Joshua Narayan- Sending the love of Jesus

Honorable Mention Kaitlyn Loh- Spreading the word of God's love

Honorable Mention Vanessa Lin - Nature's connections

Honorable Mention Joanna Li - Jesus's love in the Eucharist

Honorable Mention Scarlett Lin - We share the love of Jesus by showing kindness

Honorable Mention Clare Tsai - 耶穌在大自然中愛著你/妳

Best Popularity Award Kaitlyn Loh Spreading the word of God's love

Group C - C組得獎名單

1st Place Winston Lin - The sunset of God

2nd Place 葉秉宸 - 真理使人自由

3rd Place Caroline Tsai - Faith & Outreach

Honorable Mention Jacob Loh - Encounter with Jesus

Best Popularity Award Jacob Loh- Encounter with Jesus



加州古蹟修道院(Old Missions)之旅-序曲

